Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hey Hey Cool Kids....

      Halloween is upon us and there is alot going on in this great city of ours (Chicago) this weekend. I have attached the events below  ...don't know where I will end up, but whereever it is I will be sure to have fun and keep the camera pointed at all the amazing costumes so look your best everyone!

Monday, October 25, 2010

What's up Chicago!

  I had a conversation not to long ago about how no one really ever gives Chicago its dues, how Chicago is a second city and it bothered me because Chicago IS up and coming in the fashion scene, House music WAS born in Chicago, the architecture here IS amazing, the food IS great, this city HAS produced great actors, comedians, athletes, chefs, artists, musicians....and how Chicago CONTINUES to produce a multitude of talented people....
so I have decided to share my thoughts and observations on fashion, art, music, photography, nightlife etc....and share all the events going on with all of you.
Enjoy Everyone!